How to promote a healthy body image to your child

How to promote a healthy body image to your child

We should always bear in mind that the biggest influencers in a child's life will always be the parents and carers. Early in the learning process, kids develop habits from watching and learning from the adults in their life. From feeding, dressing themselves, learning different emotions and attitude, these are all learned and adapted by children from the people that surround them if not, 24/7. Such a powerful influence that if utilized properly, will foster a positive body image. This happens even before they start interacting with peers at school or daycare. Being a positive role model to the children and young people is not easy, but a parent should always strive hard to be the best role model possible. Here are some ways that you can focus on:
  • Speak positively with emphasis on good qualities and values.
  • Teach your child about healthy eating and the importance of this in one's bodily functions.
  • Encourage physical activity and exercise for fitness, not only fun.
  • Celebrate children and young people's successes.
  • Listen with out judgement and help them solve problems.
  • Educate about proper diet and dieting.