How to balance active play & sleep for young children

How to balance active play & sleep for young children

As naturally curious and adventurous, children use their own experience to help them thrive. With the right balance between active play and right amount of sleep, this will greatly influence their learning and help them be the best version of themselves. Skills from social to language, emotional to intellectual, these are vital to a child's growth. These skills are developed in early childhood through physical activity whether unplanned free play, an hour a day of physical activity. This not only keeps them healthy physically, but also teaches them how to respond to different situations developing conflict resolution and sharing. This type of play allows children to move at their own pace, in a natural, free-flowing environment. Some outdoor activities and games that are also beneficial include:
  • frisbee
  • Potato sack races
  • Follow the leader
  • Obstacle courses
  • Kicking and throwing a softball
  • Running and stopping
Some indoor activities and games include:
  • Musical chairs
  • Colouring in
  • Building blocks
  • Ten-pin bowling
  • Hide and seek

Importance of sleep for children

As young children are vibrant, energetic little human beings, they need a good night's sleep or nap to function properly. It helps promote growth, helps their hearts and affect their weight too. Healthy sleep requires:
  • A sufficient amount
  • Uninterrupted sleep
  • Age-appropriate naps
To help your child learn a good sleeping habit you can:
  • Limit technology before bed-time
  • Set a regular routine
  • Watch sugar and caffeine intake
  • Understand how much sleep is required for your child
Children must receive the recommended amount of active play and sleep daily to nurture their growth and wellbeing.